We demand: Shorter distances for our children – Secondary School Lechhausen now!
In the eastern part of Augsburg, we urgently lack further secondary schools such as grammar schools and real schools. Particularly affected are the districts of Firnhaberau, Hammerschmiede, Hochzoll, and especially Lechhausen.
And because we have too few schools, we also have too few gymnasiums. This is a big problem for our sports clubs. They cannot offer as many courses as they would like, and some even have to turn away new members.
Now, there is finally good news: The city council has decided to build a new real school on Hans-Böckler-Straße, and after 2 years, the state has approved it. But we must not sit back now. The city still speaks of a „perspective“ real school and plans for an architecture competition alone for 1.5 years. The construction could start at the earliest five years after that, and it could even be further delayed.
That means it could take at least 9-10 years until the school is ready. We cannot afford that. Our children need a good school now. That’s why we ask you: Sign our petition and help us increase the pressure on those responsible. We need this school as soon as possible!
Download our flyer now and send it to your friends and acquaintances!
We demand the city and state government to construct the Lechhausen Real School on Hans-Böckler-Straße through an expedited planning process as soon as possible, but no later than within the next 5 years.
We demand the city and state government to construct the gymnasium for the Lechhausen Real School through an expedited planning process as soon as possible, but no later than within the next 3 years.
Aktion Lechhausen is a non-partisan citizen’s initiative affiliated with the SPD Lechhausen. However, our focus is not on party politics but on the cause – the future of our children. We invite all individuals, companies, democratic parties, and organizations to come together and work across political boundaries to support the Lechhausen Real School.